YouTube Community Tab | 13 Best Practices

YouTube Community Tab

YouTube Community Tab:

You heard of YouTube Community Tab but did not know what it exactly is, how to get it and how to use it? Do not worry. After reading this article, you will be all set to increase your engagement with your audience.

Simply uploading videos on your YouTube channel is excellent, but the community tab is an area that is, in my opinion, a hidden treasure. By using this, you can ensure your Audience keeps watching things from you and engage with you.

It can increase the loyalty of your Audience. Let’s explore this without wasting further time.

What is YouTube Community Tab?

The YouTube Community Tab is a feature provided by YouTube to the content creators, where they can engage with their Audience beyond the videos they upload.

5 Types of Community Posts

Content Creators can make many types of Community Posts to stay in touch with the Audience,

  • Polls
  • GIFs
  • Images
  • Text-Based Posts
  • Videos

You can use any of these types of posts to turn your Audience into a loyal community.

Where Can You Find YouTube Community Tab?

You can find the community tab on the homepage of YouTubers if they have enabled it. Now, how can you find it varies on the device you use.

If you are using YouTube on your desktop, click on the channel name. It will lead you to their homepage. Next, you have to click on Community. It will be next to the Playlist Tab. There you can see the latest posts from the creator. You can like and comment on them.

Using a mobile phone, you can see the community tab only in the official YouTube Mobile App. It will not show up in the mobile browser. Go to the Channel’s homepage; you can quickly see and explore the Community Tab.

How to See Community Posts of Your Channel?

Are you a YouTube Content Creator and want to see your Community Posts Page in YouTube Studio? We can do that together in 4 easy steps;

  1. Go to the top right corner of YouTube and click on your profile image.
  2. A drop-down menu will appear to click on YouTube Studio from there.
  3. In the left-side navigation menu, click on “Content”. You will be able to see Channel Content Page. Click on “Posts”, where you can see all of your community posts.

How Can You Get YouTube Community Tab?

You can get Community Tab on your Channel once you have crossed 1000 subscribers. You will not get it immediately after crossing the number. It can take up to 1 week for Community Tab to appear.

My Channel Crossed 1000 Subscribers, But I did not get the Community Tab

If your Channel is eligible and you did not get your Community Tab, there can be two primary reasons for that;

  1. Custom Layout is Disabled; you can enable this from the customization option from YouTube Studio.
  2. Channel’s Audience is set Made for Kids; in this case, you will not be able to create or view posts. Your Community Tab will be disabled. You can change Audience from YouTube Studio.

How to Post in Community Tab?

Once you got your YouTube Community Tab, you should not waste any time engaging your audience. Creating posts is not a big deal. If you are using different social media platforms, it is just like that. Here is a step by step guide to creating your first post;

  1. Sign in to YouTube
  2. Select the “Upload” button on top of the page and click on “Create Post.”
  3. For a text-based post, type or paste your content. You can select videos, Polls, Gifs, or Images and upload them. To mention other channels use “@” with the name of the Channel.
  4. Click “Post”

Once the post is published, your subscribers will see it in their feeds and the Community Tab of your Channel.

13 Best Practices for Maximum Engagement

There are many best practices by using that you can increase your engagement and turn into a local community. Some of them are here.

Promote Your Videos:

Uploaded a new video or want to get your Audience to any of your previous videos, then YouTube Community Tab is an excellent place to do so. You can share the link to the video. YouTube will show the community tab with a thumbnail image, the number of views, and the age of video.

Use Community Tab for Pre-Promotions:

Do you plan to upload a video and want a maximum number of views from your subscribers?

You had to rely on other social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in the past.

Now you can build the hype using Community Tab in the following ways;

  • Create Polls, and ask your Audience about what time should you upload the video?
  • Share Behind-the-Scenes Shots can be beneficial. Use BTS, which grabs the attention and build curiosity among the audience.

Promote Other and Collaborate:

Collaborations and cross-promotions can boost your Audience.

You can create individual posts and let your Audience know about any collaboration you have done so they can watch that.If there is a video from someone else Channel, which you think your audience will like, share that in Community Tab.

Get Informal and Offer a Sneak Peek:

Viewers love to see you except your videos. They want to know what is going behind the camera. What do you like to do when you are not making a video?

Using Community Tab as Instagram can help your Audience to stick with you.

Use Polls:

To get maximum engagement with the Audience, using Polls is the best option. You can ask for a suggestion about Video topics from your Audience. You take audiences’ opinions about any topic.

This way, your Audience will feel empowered and think that you consider them to value their opinion.

Give Shoutouts:

Show some appreciation to the active members of your Community by @mention. You can also mention those who support you financially or go beyond average to support you.

Let Your Audience Know About Your Community Tab:

Your Audience watches your videos and follows them. Please make a separate Video or add it to any other typical content of yours.

Tell your Audience what YouTube Community Tab is and how you will engage with your audience regularly.

To add a link to your Community Tab:

  • Go to the Community tab.
  • Copy the URL.
  • Paste it in the description of the Video.

Tell Your Audience Why it is Important:

Uploading daily videos is not an easy job. To keep your Audience engaged Community tab is the best option as you can talk about different topics with your Audience.

You can take suggestions from your Audience. You can give them shout-outs and promote them.

After telling them why they should follow your Community Posts, tell them to click on the bell icon. This way, they will see your posts on their feed.

Promote Your Products:

Many Content creators launch their customized products, like T-shirts, Cups. To let your Audience know about your merchandise, you can post images of your product with a link to your E-Commerce store.

It would be good to create a separate Landing Page for your YouTube audience and offer them special discounts.

Get Ideas for Future Videos:

Viewers love to watch the content of their will. It also fosters loyalty among them when they see that you value your opinion.

Using Polls Posts, you can ask your Audience which type of content they want to see.

Share Memes and GIFs:

There is a lot of meme content that we see every day on our social media feeds. These memes get a crazy amount of Audience and engagement.

You can post memes that you think that your audience can relate to for better engagement.

Interact with Comments:

Every viewer who writes a comment wants you to read that. To let them know that you read their comments. “Heart” those which you like the most.

You can also pin some interesting comments from the Audience so that no one misses them out.

Exclusive Content:

Share those images and posts which are not available on any other platform.

Everyone likes to be privileged, and this brings loyalty. Show your Audience that you care for them and share with them your exclusive content. This will increase your brand value.

Pros and Cons of YouTube Community Tab:

Going into a space, you are not familiar with can become quite hectic if you are trying to start something new. Its always recommended to analyze and study its pros and cons, advantages, and disadvantages, so that you can fully capitalize on the potential that the space is offering us.

So here we will discuss some of the pros and cons of the YouTube Community Tab:


  • Audience Interaction: Before the Community tab, the only interaction source with the YouTube audience was Videos. With the introduction of the Community Tab, it became effortless for content creators to interact with their audience daily. It is easy to create a post, either a text-based post, an image, or a video.
  • Increased Engagement: Community Tab provides an opportunity for the creators to increase the engagement of their Channel. The engagement on your Channel is a metric to gauge the success and traffic in the YouTube community. And the community tab ensures if handled and used correctly.
  • Content Management: YouTube community tab allows the creators to change, manage and customize the content in line with the Audience’s wishes by creating poles, asking questions, taking their input. To make their content more likeable.
  • Multiple Content Formats: With the advent of Community Tab, the creators now have the freedom of content format. They can post
    • Polls
    • Text-based post
    • Images
    • Gifs
    • Videos


  • Restriction of Number of Subscribers: You have just started a YouTube Channel and want to seize the opportunity to use the Community Tab. There is a downside of Community Tab. What is it?

YouTube Community Tab only activates once you cross the milestone of 1000 Subscribers.

  • Audience Can not Post: Community Tab only allows the owner of the Channel to share the post. Well, the Audience can comment and like on these posts.


We have gone through the YouTube Community Tab in pretty much detail. We know how important it is, how you can get it, and the best ways to use it.

Still, there is a large number of Content Creators who are not using this feature. Those who are using it can easily be seen growing and adding value to their Community.

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